While it may sometimes be embarrassing to admit, one of my
favorite things about Japanese pop culture is the cute characters it produces.
This can be easily observed in my room at home, which is filled with stuffed
toys, mostly of Japanese origin. In the past year or so, I have developed a new
obsession with” Yuru Chara”, or mascot characters created to represent
different cities in Japan. Although these characters are from individual
regions, the most popular of these mascots have merchandise that is sold all
over Japan! Currently, the most popular Yuru Chara is named Funnasyi; he is the
unofficial mascot of Funabashi in Chiba prefecture, and is a sentient pear,
since the area is apparently famous for its pears. Almost every store I have
entered in Japan sells some sort of Funassyi product; I have seen collaborative
memorabilia with Funassyi wearing Hello Kitty and Tamagotchi costumes, and when
I went to a nearby festival, the stand selling chocolate-covered bananas had
even made one to look like Funnasyi!
The banana in question, which I lovingly dubbed Funassyinana. |
As the
town I live in, Shiki, is small compared to many other places in Japan, I was
not sure if they would have a mascot at all. I was happily proved wrong,
however, on my first full day in Shiki, when I went to the district office to
register as a resident. One of the first things I saw when I walked into the
building was a large statue of a slightly alarmed-looking kappa, which I later
found out was one of the THREE Shiki Yuru Chara!
Out of
the three Shiki mascots, two are kappa, and one is a seal. The kappa I saw a
statue of is named Kazasu-kun, while the other is named Kappi; I still have not
learned the name of the seal, and am unsure if there is any significance to these
creatures being chosen as the mascots. However, all three mascots are present
in everyday life in Shiki; they can often be found on posters, as small
keychains in the crane game machines at the department store, and every so
often, the mascots will show up in the square of Shiki Station.
I was
lucky enough to encounter Kappi during one of these times. Children and adults
alike seemed entertained by his presence, and there was many a photo-op.
Alongside the mascot was a table selling merchandise. Unlike the Funnasyi
merchandise ever-present in stores, this merchandise seemed mostly handmade,
which I assume is because of Shiki being such a small town. There were also a
group of children that looked like they were in Boy Scout uniforms helping with
the sales; I wasn’t able to ask, but maybe they were doing some sort of
fundraiser with this merchandise.
Kappi posing for the camera. |
of just making money, I have seen the Yuru Chara being used as a public health
initiative. One day, a machine showed up next to the ticket machines in Shiki
Station; from what I can translate, this machine scans electronic pedometers
and awards points for the amount of steps Shiki residents walk, which can then
be redeemed for some sort of reward. Kazasu-kun is the face of this endeavor,
and I was pleased to see the Yuru Chara being utilized in this way.
The Let's Walk! Kazasu-kun machine. |
it’s buying a kappa keychain or encouraging someone to walk a few extra steps,
it’s clear that the Shiki mascots do hold an important place in the city. But
do people truly identify and have regional pride for their respective Yuru
Chara, or is it just another part of the nebulous “kawaii culture” often talked
about in regards to Japan? I’m hoping to further research this question in the
future, but for now I’ll enjoy my Kappi plushie that I could not resist buying
at the merchandise stand.
Kappi sitting on top of a Funnasyi plush I purchased upon my arrival in Japan. It seems I have already amassed a small Yuru Chara collection. |